
Here are some explanations about the I/O of the module.


The constructor can use the following options:

Name Description
apiKey The Google Places API Key for your project. It can also be set via a GOOGLE_PLACES_FLANEUR_API_KEY environment variable.
verbose If set to true, it will output messages to the console. false by default.
aroundRadiusFn The function returning the final aroundRadius value, with the location viewport diagonal size (in m). The default multiplies it by 2.
aroundPrecisionFn The function returning the final aroundPrecision value, with the location viewport diagonal size (in m). The default divides it by 4.

findWhereIs' Inputs

Two inputs are accepted:

  • Coordinate: the module returns information about the locality the coordinate are in
  • Google Place ID: the module main focus is to return results regarding google places with a political type.

findWhereIs' Outputs

Name Description (relative to the Maps API response)
types A copy of the type of the Maps API response
enPolicitalComponents A summary of the political address components
name The name of the location
location The coordonate of the location
placeID The GooglePlace ID of the location
viewport The recommended viewport for the location
searchSettings Recommended values for searching around the location
searchSettings.coordinate The coordonate around which you should search
searchSettings.tag The tag you should search for
searchSettings.aroundPrecision The distance in meters that seems to return the best results for the search (computed from the recommended viewport)
searchSettings.aroundRadius The distance in meters where it seems you should stop returning results for the search (computed from the recommended viewport)
query The queried arguments, ie either coordinates or a place ID